My name is Andry, my last name is Bracho and the people call me NaNy, I´m from Venezuela oroginally. I´m 26 years old and I study at URBE Human Resource Management. My favorite subject is Physchometrics; I am in 9th term.
I like spend time with my friends hang out and go to the movies also I enjoy going to the party and dancing but I dislike smoking so it is something that I hate when I go to the nightclub.
About my future I would like get my diploma and then get a good job, make money, buy a big house and fancy car.
On the other hand I would like speak english very well right now I am good in writing but I am so bad at the moment that I have to speak it is why I need to improve my speaking skills and I expect after a hard job have a fluence in the language.
Life is beautiful